Battle Nations Wiki
Adv. Steel Mill
AdvSteelmill icon
Building Type Resource
Resource Produced Steel Steel
Population Resource population -5
Population When Inactive Resource population -1
Size Size 4 x 5
Unlocked Level 21
Nanopods Nanopods 160
Construction Time Time 1d 6h
Sell Price Gold 10 Concrete 10
Max Assists 20
Reward for Assisting Steel 30
Reward for Raiding Steel 60
Reward for Occupation Steel 228

"Employing modern refining techniques, the Advanced Steel Mill produces Steel more quickly, and wastes less iron in the process. Replace two standard Steel Mills with one Advanced Mill, and save yourself some workers!"
— In-game Description


Once you have an Advanced Steel Mill, keep it running as much as you can, because it is crucial to build yourself that tank battalion you always wanted. Not only that, but to keep those tanks running and in commission, you're going to need lots of steel.

The Advanced Steel Mill not only requires less time per job and produces more per hour, it does so more efficiently (i.e. greater output steel per input of iron and coal).  Most players consider it well worth the nano cost.


Adv. Steel Mill Levels
Building Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Interval Resource-time 1d
Steel Collected 1,575 2,363 3,150 3,938 4,725 5,513 6,300 7,088 7,875 8,663
Gold Gold Cost - 500 1,000 1,300 5,200 20,800 41,600 83,200 124,800 187,200
Wood Wood Cost - 60 125 - - - - - - -
Concrete Concrete Cost - 60 125 340 1,020 2,040 4,080 6,120 9,180 13,770
Lumber Lumber Cost - - - 340 1,020 2,040 4,080 6,120 9,180 13,770
Nanopods Nanopod Cost 160 - - - - - - - - -
Time Time Cost 1d 6h 5m 15m 1h 1h 2h 2h 4h 8h 12h


Adv. Steel Mill Goods
Item Time Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Steel ibeams icon Four I-Beams 2h Iron Input 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Coal Input 68 102 135 169 203 237 270 304 338 372
Steel Output 175 263 350 438 525 613 700 788 875 963
Steel rebar icon Railcar of Rebar 3h Iron Input 450 675 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 2025 2250 2475
Coal Input 150 225 300 375 450 525 600 675 750 825
Steel Output 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Steel steal icon Quite a Steel 7h Iron Input 833 1249 1665 2082 2498 2914 3330 3747 4163 4579
Coal Input 278 417 555 694 833 972 1110 1249 1388 1527
Steel Output 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 4015
Steel girders icon Girders Galore 13h Iron Input 1333 1999 2665 3332 3998 4664 5330 5997 6663 7329
Coal Input 443 664 885 1107 1328 1549 1770 1992 2213 2434
Steel Output 1183 1774 2365 2957 3548 4139 4730 5322 5913 6504
Steel housing icon Future Housing Complex 20h Iron Input 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500 5250 6000 6750 7500 8250
Coal Input 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750
Steel Output 1313 1969 2625 3282 3938 4594 5250 5907 6563 7219
Quest Goods
Item Time Cost Reward
Mission metalPatch icon Metal Patch Kit 18h Gold 1,000, Steel 2,000 Gold 1,500
Mission armorPatch icon Armor Patch Kit 19h Gold 1,000, Steel 1,750 XP 750

