Battle Nations Wiki

Disclaimer: Because this is a policy page and not an article, the use of the impersonal "you" is obviously acceptable, just to clear up any preconceived misconceptions of contradiction.

Please refrain from using impersonal "you" in articles. In case you do not know what impersonal "you" is, here is an example:

"In Battle Nations 2: Alien Warfare if you go outside the spaceship you can see your house"

Try to replace the you with something else. Have a think and put something creative, like:

"In Battle Nations 2: Alien Warfare if the player goes outside the spaceship it is possible to see his house".

Using impersonal "you" makes the wiki sound unprofessional. As we try to be the best source of Battle Nations information around, we kindly ask you to abide by these guidelines. Not only should you avoid using the impersonal "you," but it would also be appreciated if you could take the time to reword anything that already contains an impersonal "you." Be warned, there are many of them throughout the wiki, and removing them all will take a lot of time and work on the part of the contributors. You do not need to go through entire articles to remove all of them (although that would be great), but simply removing one when you see it will make everyone's job easier. Please do your part. Thank you.
