Battle Nations Wiki
Fr civilian unarmed female
Affiliation Frontier
Unit Type Soldier-Civilian
Blocking Partial
Encounter Lvls 36 59
Stat-HP HP 40 180
Stat-Bravery Bravery 0 0
Black shield Defense 30 45
Stat-Dodge Dodge 0 15
Unit Value 2 11
Resource-SP SP Reward 8 44
Gold Gold Reward 40 220


The Civilian Female was added along with the Frontier Militia, released in the 2.0 Patch. Unlike a regular Civilian, the Civilian Female has more Stat-HP HP and Black shield Defense. As with other Frontier Militia units, killing one in battle will end the mission in defeat for the player. However, it can be safely apprehended, and if only Civilians are left on the enemy side, the player will win the battle.

See also:
