Battle Nations Wiki
S raider raptor rider 55 front
Elite Skirmisher
Affiliation Raiders
Unit Type Critter-Fast
Blocking Partial
Armor Defense

Damage piercing 85%
Damage explosive 85%
Damage fire 85%

Encounter Lvls 55
Stat-HP HP 300
Stat-Armor Armor 100
Stat-Bravery Bravery 40
Black shield Defense 60
Stat-Dodge Dodge 30
Unit Value 35
Resource-SP SP Reward 140
Gold Gold Reward 700


The Elite Skirmisher is the second-strongest Raider Skirmisher, with the level 70 Ruthless Skirmisher being the strongest. This unit was added along with other Elite Raiders in the 2.9 Patch. Players begin facing this unit at level 55.

Stronger than its predecessors, this unit boasts a large pool of Stat-HP Health AND Stat-Armor Armor, enabling the Elite Skirmisher to survive longer than its weaker Raider Skirmisher and Tough Raider Skirmisher brothers. Its first attack, Talons, prioritizes on hurting infantry and critters, able to deal a lethal blow to all infantry and/or critters on an entire row. It is important to note that this unit's first attack has a range of 1-2, enabling it to scratch the entire second row if there is an opening in players' front-line defense. The Elite Skirmisher's second attack has an Damage explosive attack type, named Hand Cannon, and is extremely lethal to tanks, however, with a 10% critical hit chance, it cannot effectively hurt a ranked Mega Tank so much that it is in the risk of being lost.

This unit fights offensively, with enough HP and Armor to let it survive on the battlefield for quite a long time, making it a major threat if not dealt with quickly—especially in Boss Strike. The Elite Skirmisher has participated in Boss Strike 2, Boss Strike 5, Boss Strike 8, and Boss Strike 12.


EliteSkirmisher55 RaptorSlash Damage
Attack Icon UnitAbility kitty 3wide icon
Targetable Unit Types
Air X mark
LTA X mark
Soldier Yes check
Sniper Yes check
Vehicle Yes check
Tank Yes check
Metal Yes check
Critter Yes check
Civilian Yes check
Sea X mark
Ship X mark
Damage Damage piercing 65-88
Offense 46
Range 1-2
Line of Fire Contact
Cooldown 2 Rounds
Armor Piercing 20%
Suppression Mod x0.25
Crit 10%
15% vs. Critters
    Ammo: 3
    Reload: 4 Rounds
    EliteSkirmisher55 TankShell Damage
    Attack Icon UnitAbility tankGun 1shot icon
    Targetable Unit Types
    Air X mark
    LTA X mark
    Soldier Yes check
    Sniper Yes check
    Vehicle Yes check
    Tank Yes check
    Metal Yes check
    Critter Yes check
    Civilian Yes check
    Sea Yes check
    Ship Yes check
    Damage Damage explosive 105-175
    Offense 30
    Range 1-3
    Line of Fire Direct
    Cooldown 2 Rounds
    Ammo Used 1
    Armor Piercing 75%
    Suppression Mod x0.5
    Crit 10%
    Notes -10 Stat-Offense range mod

      See Also[]
