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ChemTankHeavy icon
Heavy Chemical Tank
Unit Type Tank-Metal
Short Name Hvy Chem Tank
Player Level Req. Level 45
Building Required Vehicle Factory level 10
Other Requirements Armor Shop
Chemical Weapons Lab
Immunities StatusEffect-plague Plague
Blocking Blocking
(Max Rank)
Stat-HP 450
Damage crushing 50%
Damage fire 100%
Damage piercing 75%
Stat-Armor 270
Damage crushing 25%
Damage fire 75%
Damage piercing 25%
"This vehicle does huge damage, spraying green slime in a cone shape so that the area hit is wider the further back it goes. Plus, this unit puts a multi-turn disease DoT on all affected enemies!"
— In-game Description


The Heavy Chemical Tank is a premium unit that costs Resource-nanopod 70 and is unlocked at level 45 and requires a Level 10 Vehicle Factory, an Armor Shop, and a Chemical Weapons Lab.

The Heavy Chemical Tank utilizes poison damage and StatusEffect-poison Damage-over-Time. As the name suggests, it is a bulkier version of the Light Chemical Tank, sporting more Stat-HP and Stat-Armor. Its DoT effect can do significant damage on its own, and like all other poisons, can combo with Fire Damage-over-Time effects, perhaps best paired with the Dragon for its large area of coverage.

The starting Eruption attack can take players off-guard in its use and how it applies damage. This attack is the first of its kind to use a cone-shaped area-of-effect as of the 2.0 Patch. It will do full damage and have 100% chance to apply its poison DoT to the target directly in front of it - which is just one target. The area-of-effect will then spread to the 3 horizontal spaces behind this target, doing 75% damage and 75% chance for applying poison. The attack then spreads out to 5-spaces-wide for 50% damage and 50% chance of poison. Note that the poison DoT is based on the initial damage, so if poison is applied, it is significantly weaker. Also note that Blocking type units will block units behind them, as normal.

The weapon and attack, Chemical Shell, unlocked at Rank 2, gives the Heavy Chemical Tank much more versatility, giving this unit some degree of targeting single units with the full brunt of its chemical attack. This attack has an unusual attack pattern which will target two units (with a space apart) with the full damage, plus reduced splash damage to all spaces adjacent to either one, similar to the Fireworks Truck's Controlled Launch attack. The Heavy Chemical Tank has the luxury of selecting this area of effect, granted it has a minimum range of 2.

The Heavy Chemical Tank is a force to be reckoned with, with its large supply of Stat-HP and Stat-Armor, and its attacks covering a large area of the enemy battlefield. It is particularly effective in Boss Strike missions, able to lather the entire battlefield in poison while remaining durable for a second-row unit. If lost, it will only cost some Gold and Resource-chem to repair, materials in plenty supply at this point in the game.


Ammo: AmmoIcon 4
Reload: 4 Rounds
HvyChemTank Eruption Damage
Attack Icon ChemHose icon
Targetable Unit Types
Air X mark
LTA X mark
Soldier Yes check
Sniper Yes check
Vehicle Yes check
Tank Yes check
Metal Yes check
Critter Yes check
Civilian Yes check
Sea X mark
Ship X mark
Rank Available 1
Range 1-3
Line of Fire Precise (Fixed)
Ammo Used 2
Cooldown 4 Rounds
Armor Piercing 50%
Suppression Mod x1.25
Effects StatusEffect-poison 100% (3 Turns)
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6
Damage fire Damage 56-84 61-92 67-100 72-109 78-117 84-126
StatusEffect-poison DoT 70→23 76→26 84→28 90→30 98→32 105→35
Stat-Offense Offense 56 61 66 71 76 81
Stat-Critical Crit 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Ammo: AmmoIcon 2
Reload: 3 Rounds
HvyChemTank ChemicalShell Damage
Attack Icon ChemicalShell icon
Targetable Unit Types
Air X mark
LTA X mark
Soldier Yes check
Sniper Yes check
Vehicle Yes check
Tank Yes check
Metal Yes check
Critter Yes check
Civilian Yes check
Sea X mark
Ship X mark
Rank Available 2
Range 2-4
Line of Fire Indirect
Ammo Used 1
Cooldown 2 Rounds
Armor Piercing 50%
Effects StatusEffect-poison 100% (4 Turns)
Research Cost Resource-time 48m, Resource-nanopod 10
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6
Damage fire Damage - 52-79 57-86 62-93 67-100 72-108
StatusEffect-poison DoT - 66→16 72→18 78→19 84→21 90→22
Stat-Offense Offense - 51 56 61 66 71
Stat-Critical Crit - 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Heavy Chemical Tank Ranks
1 2 3 4 5 6
Resource-SP SP N/A 12,325 27,810 60,675 133,975 368,880
Stat-HP HP 300 330 (+30) 360 (+30) 390 (+30) 420 (+30) 450 (+30)
Stat-Armor Armor 180 200 (+20) 215 (+15) 235 (+20) 250 (+15) 270 (+20)
Stat-Armor-HP Total 480 530 (+50) 575 (+45) 625 (+50) 670 (+45) 720 (+50)
Stat-Bravery Bravery 40 45 (+5) 50 (+5) 55 (+5) 60 (+5) 65 (+5)
Black shield Defense 20 25 (+5) 30 (+5) 35 (+5) 40 (+5) 45 (+5)
Stat-Dodge Dodge 10 15 (+5) 20 (+5) 25 (+5) 30 (+5) 35 (+5)
Stat-Ability Ability Slot 1 2 (+1) 2 2 2 2
Promotion Cost N/A Resource-time 4h
Gold 41,904
Steel 8,125
Resource-time 12h
Gold 119,120
Steel 8,842
Resource-time 1d
Gold 297,512
Steel 10,530
Gears 12
Resource-time 2d
Gold 723,136
Steel 12,352
Gears 33
Resource-time 2d
Gold 1,340,420
Steel 14,332
Resource-widget 8
Promotion Reward N/A XP 2,000 XP 3,300 XP 4,800 XP 6,500 XP 8,400
PvP Unit Value 39 44 48 53 57 62
Resource-SP SP Reward 156 176 192 212 228 248
Gold Gold Reward 780 880 960 1060 1140 1240


Training Cost — Vehicle Factory
Level 10 11 12 13 14 15
Resource-time Time 14h 24m 12h 36m 10h 48m 9h 7h 12m 5h 24m
Resource-nanopod Nanopods 70 70 70 70 70 70
    Healing Cost
    Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Resource-time Time 4h 30m 4h 30m 4h 30m 4h 30m 4h 30m 4h 3m 3h 36m 3h 9m 2h 42m 1h 48m
    Gold Gold 25,500 21,250 17,000 15,300 13,600 11,900 11,050 10,200 9,350 8,500
    Resource-chem Chem Vials 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2
    Healing Cost
    Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Resource-time Time 4h 3m 4h 3m 4h 3m 4h 3m 4h 3m 3h 36m 3h 9m 2h 42m 2h 15m 1h 21m
    Gold Gold 22,100 17,850 13,600 11,900 10,200 8,500 7,650 6,800 5,950 5,100
    Resource-chem Chem Vials 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2


    2.2 Patch

    • Rank 3-5 promotion Steel costs reduced.

    2.0 Patch

    • Unit added.



    Weapon Animation
    Idle HeavyChemTank front idle HeavyChemTank back idle
    Heavy Spray Turret HeavyChemTank front attack1 HeavyChemTank back attack1
    Canister Launchers HeavyChemTank front attack2 HeavyChemTank back attack2
