Battle Nations Wiki
Battle Nations Wiki

Tower1056 Tower1056 18 September 2016

Battle Nations Shall Live On

Hello there! My in game and wiki name is Tower1056. Nice to meet you ^^

From what Lapo90 (one of the admins of the wiki said), chances of bringing battle nations up again... doesn't seem that likely.

But, it isn't all over.

You know that saying that as long as you keep a memory of a precious thing close to your heart, it will always be with you? Well... I've kind of expanded that heart into a group. A place where we can remember the good times.

Yea, yea I know. It's not as fun as playing the game itself, but it will, in my hopes and wishes, be a group where we can talk and keep the game alive in our hearts. In our memories.

But a group can't be a group without members. The community needs to fill it.

The group I have created is on Deviant Art, m…

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