Fastest Way to get sp in Battle Nations
On level 47 you have access to Bigfoot Country . There are no enemy armies in this area - besides the missions. But you can raid on this territory. For every battle you earn 476 sp and about 2500 gold. With light Chem Tank or many other units doing damage in more than one field this can be done in 3 turns and every battle takes only 30 seconds. Without boost you can make up to 72.000 sp and 350.000 gold per hour.
There are some combinations when one can get as many sp per hour by using heavy farms with walls or fences and promoting demolishers (assuming a in-game friend supports you with constant drops; no double use of course), but usually farms will give max 40.000 sp per hour.
The best units on the different levels
Many of the bn player go for level 70 but they don't want to do it just by shops, they want to do missions, contribute in events and fight bosses during the time they advance to level 70 (and continue when they are there). BTW: Heading for lvl 70 just running shops can be done in 5 months.
Unfortunately there are many different units needed to be kind of a good bn player - and even more not needed at all (just for collectors). I want to give some advise which units are good to spend ressources and time:
- Level 1: Trooper are widely underestimated. Use the chance to rank them as soon as possible - meaning don't fight with other units unless neccessary for doing missions (and give the the sp to the trooper).
- Level 12: The Wimp can dominate if yo…
How to win every arena battle
You only encounter maxed promo units, maxed fragments or powerful rewards from arena challenge or boss strike? And you can't beat them with your normal units?
No problem, you need other arena defenses you can beat without losses!
In the Arena a (hidden) score exists. This score controls the player/defenses you encounter. With a higher score the enemys are stronger, have higher level and the units have higher ranks. The key to more wins in arena is to lower this hidden score by loosing some arena battles - don't bother if you find enemys to strong there's no drawback for you on the long run. To lower the arena score place some units like wimp, trooper and arsonist (no matter which rank, low healing cost is all what's important), fire one shot…
Drop formations in arena defense
For the arena we have to distinguish two cases
- 1. During Arena Challenges
- During Arena Challenge one looses points if the defense is defeated. So this has to be avoided by a good and versatile defense. There's no ideal defense as this depends on the own units, their ranks and the player level.
- 2. No Arena Challenge ongoing
- You win a small amount of gold if your defense wins. And you loose nothing if your defense looses. Nobody will attack you if you have a strong defense - nothing to win for you and the others. But you can profit from the arena by attacking defenses with drop formations:
- 2 Wimp (r6) in second or third row
- 2 Lightning Dragoon on the side
- Light Chemical Tank on the side
- Chucker in first row
- Sandbags or Portable Walls if you don't hav…
What about farming in battle nations?
The number of mines and tier 1 ressources is very limited. OK you can upgrade to the advanced versions and double the production. I don't tell about level up the mines - one should do this to level 7 until player level 20 and level 10 for iron and stone on level 30. Not to forget to get about 6000 ressources per day by assisting friends (assuming you have more than 150 wich shouldn't be a problem). But assisting many friends is time consuming...
So what i'm talking about is concrete, lumber and steel:
- Lumber: You can occupy on Artificial Ponds. But these are popular. Ideal is the additional gold you get as reward.
- Concrete: There's no good way to obtain concrete other than assisting or occupying on Concrete Plants/Adv. Concrete Plants. As i m…