Battle Nations Wiki

Zer0Sniper Zer0Sniper 10 November 2014

Levels - things nobody told you before

I wondered why you can find some facts about the different Levels, but the important things - nobody told me or i can read about (or i had been to stupid to find).

So i make my own list.

  • Level 12: The Wimp can be trained. And you can occupy on other bases for ressources and gold.
  • Level 30: The Permits Office can be build and more population gained. But level up this building higher than level 2 takes longer than a normal player needs to level up and increase population.
  • Level 34: The Large Warehouse can be built - to get rid of all smaller non-Nanopod warehouses and free population to be send to mines, mills and shops.
  • Level 41: On this level boss strike battles are much harder than on level 40, or not to win without max ranked up units. Yes, bos…
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